How To Redirect The Domain To Another Domain Using Simple Steps

How To Redirect The Domain To Another Domain Using Simple Steps?

Creating a database, adding an addon domain and many other things are there in WordPress to do. For SEO purpose, many bloggers need to redirect their website to another. One of the common questions asked by many newbies “how to redirect the domain to another domain“?

Do you know something about redirection? Sometimes bloggers try to divert their traffic from one page to another page. For which they use redirecting that particular page to another page. You can do 301 redirect and 302 redirect. One is permanent, and another is temporary.

Do You Know How To Create A Redirect Page?

As I have mentioned above that redirect is used for a full website or just a single page. In this tutorial, I am going to provide a guide to creating a 301 redirect for a single page. There are simple steps to follow. For the completion of this task, you need to do some techie things.

Step 1:- First of all you have to go to your web hosting website, and then login to your cPanel provided to you.

Step 2:- After login, you have to search for “domains” section. You will find many option in that section, from which you have to click at “redirects”. Other options like “subdomains, parked domains, add-on domains” will be there. But your path will go through “redirects”.

Step 3:- After clicking to that option, a new page will appear to you. There will many options to fill. Before filling those fields, you need to know more about the type of redirects you are going to use. First one is 301 redirect, which is used for the permanent redirect. Another one is 302 redirect, which is used for the temporary redirect.

  • You can see in the drop-down menu. If you use 301 redirect then it will update the visitors bookmarks and direct search engine to the new page or website.
  • With 302 redirect you can do the temporary redirect. It will not update the visitors bookmarks. And search engine will also keep indexing the original page.

Step 4:-  In the next box you have to fill the name of the website or a page you want to redirect. You can fill the name of your website by using top-down menu. After “/” you have to write the page. In clear words, you have to fill the URL of the page.

Step 5:- Here is your destination. You have to fill the name of the page or website, to which you want to redirect your website or page respectively. For example, you want to redirect your “” to another page named “” then you have to fill that destination address in this field.

Step 6:- Now it’s time to choose the main option. Here you have to click at “wildcard redirect” from all the options. It is because this option is responsible for the redirection of all the files of your old directory to the new directory.

Step 7:- This is the finals step to follow. You are just one step away from your 301 redirect. The only thing you have to do is to click to “add” option and your aim will be fulfilled.

Have You Ever Created a 301 redirect page?

After following the above-mentioned steps, I don’t think you will ever ask again “how to create a redirect page“? I have come across many questions during my blogging phase. I am sure this tutorial will help you and you will get success to redirect your web page or website to another one.

Redirecting a website or a page is an important decision to take. So, I suggest you to think before you do that. You know sending your traffic to another page is a kind of crucial step to take. I am sure you will take the right decision. I am here to help you if you want any help.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Every time you come up with an astounding information, and this WordPress tutorial is very beneficial for bloggers. Your step by step guidance make it easy for every one to go through.

    After reading your whole post. one can easily understand the difference between both types of redirects i.e. 301 and 302 permanent and temporary redirect.

    Thank you for sharing such an spectacular post once again ?



    1. Hey Mairaj,

      Thanks for your kind words.

      You know redirect is an important aspect know for better SEO. If you don’t redirect you domain without “www” to the domain with “www” then it will show 404 error. I am sure you don’t want to show that.

      Basically, it is suggested that 301 redirect should be used. I mean what’s the use for the temporary redirect. Though in some cases you can use it. But the permanent redirect is the solid stuff.

      Thanks a lot for your comment.

      Hope to see you soon.


  2. Hey Ravi,

    Great information because I’m sure there are plenty of people who do not know how to do this.

    I’ve never had to permanently redirect a page but I did know how to do it. I’ve mostly forwarded domain names to another site but haven’t had to go this route yet. With all the content I read online though I was aware of this but I have to tell you. If I had to do it tomorrow I probably would go searching for how to do it properly just to make sure I didn’t mess anything up. That’s why posts like this one is SO helpful.

    Great share my friend and I’ll be sure to pass this one around as well.


    1. Hi Adrienne,

      You know most of the time we have an idea about a task to perform, but for perfection we check it at other places. As you have mentioned that you do search it to make it sure that you are doing it right.

      Redirecting a page is not that much hard. If you get any 404 error at any page due to the wrong path then at that time you have to redirect that page to any other pages, so that you can remove the error.

      It’s always good to hear from you.

      Thanks for sharing with us.

      Enjoy your day.


  3. A very helpful tutorial Ravi,

    This is one of the problem that many bloggers usually face on their blogging journey and I’ve seen lots of people asking questions regards to this, I’m sure they will love to read this post.

    I love how simple and easy to do you made the whole steps and even though I’ve never had the cause to redirect a domain before, I’m sure this tutorial might be handy in the future, will bookmark it.


    1. Hey Theodore,

      You are right. There are many newbies, who try to build their blog. But somehow such type of simple problems don’t let them do it. newbies should know about the redirect. As I have explained the bloggers should know about temporary and permanent redirects.

      Most of the time bloggers try to seek for the simple and easy going processes. I have tried to explain in the best way I could. I hope it will help those bloggers.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have an amazing week ahead.


  4. Hi Ravi,

    Good to be back to your blog after a while ?

    This is good information. Though I never felt the need to redirect a domain, I guess now I will know how to do it when I’ve to in the future.

    All I presently do is redirect the URLs of my site to another URL on the same site using the redirection plugin.

    Thanks for this post. Have a nice weekend ?

    1. Hey Harleena,

      There are many ways to redirect a page to any other page. You can use any plugin or may write a simple code for redirection. Using cPanel is a little bit techie, but you can do it with surety.

      Most of the time bloggers forget to redirect a page and they get 404 error at that page. I am sure newbies will need to know about 301 redirect and 302 redirect.

      Thanks for your support.

      Enjoy your weekend.:)


  5. Hi Ravi,

    I can get a better understanding now that I read this through of how to do a re-direct. It is something I wouldn’t do myself because I can easily break my blog by adding a plug in….lol

    That’s me and my weakness… However, when hiring someone to do this for me I now have better information of how to explain it and the proper language to communicate.

    Thanks so much for explaining this to me and now I’ll pass it on for those especially who like to do this themselves.


    1. Hi Donna,

      There are many people around us who are afraid to do these techie things. But there is nothing hard to do. There is no plugin used. You just need to go through your cPanel and, after few steps to follow you can redirect your page to another very easily.

      You may have seen many websites which show 404 error. Most of the time it is because of bad host, but wrong redirect is another reason for that. To get rid of these errors, you should know such things.

      I am glad to have you here.

      Enjoy your day.


  6. Hi Ravi,

    Good to be back here after a very long timeout….well, I guess you’re through with your study now?

    The first time I had issues with redirection was about 3 years ago, I have to do a Google search before I was able to find my through and the steps I followed then was just same thing you shared here today.

    Once you’re familiar with your cpanel, certain things become easier to accomplish. I read Harleena’s comment above, I was thinking she could have save herself of just one more plugin installation.

    The process you shared is super effective, and I see it as the true way to redirect url either is 301 or 302…..whatever, no need of plugin.

    Thanks Ravi, nice and useful tutorial.

    1. Hi Shamsudeen,

      Yeah! Just trying to complete my graduation.

      For beginners, it is always hard to do such type of techie things. Even I had to search for redirection tutorials in my starting days. Most of time I used to get 404 error at my pages of my websites. At that time, I had to redirect them to other pages.

      I agree with you. When you become familiar with the cPanel, you don’t need any plugin to do your tasks. You can handle your website from there only.

      People should know the difference between 301 and 302 redirect.

      Appreciate you to share your thoughts.

      Have a great day.


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